CHIAPPINI - SEPARATOR The gate of our enterprise is always open.

The gate of our enterprise is always open. You will drive through our boulevard of cypress trees and oleanders, and we will guide you to the discovery of our family, of our territory and of the Doc Bolgheri. We will spend an average of two hours together, starting with a stroll through the biological vineyards and olive groves, followed by the descent in our cellar dedicated to the fermentation and the maturation of our wines. We will end the tour with the tasting of our four wines, together with the olive oil of our production with a panoramic view on the vineyards and the hills dominated by the castle of Castiglioncello di Bolgheri. The tours will take place everyday both in English and in Italian.


"We discovered a family enterprise which produces excellent wine with lots of passion. The owner is a great person, really welcoming." Marco


"The cellar perfectly mirrors the mix of Giovanni Chiappini's experience with the freshness of the younger generation, which is looking after the enterprise. We spent almost two full hours with Alessandro, who gave us a very satisfying explanation concerning everything about the production, followed by the tasting of four of their wines. A great example of how time passes fast, when it is spent doing something pleasant." Eva


"Once you cross the road of Giovanni Chiappini’s Estate, you will be thrown into another dimension, where everything is familiar and authentic." Simone


"After driving through the boulevard of the enterprise Chiappini, you will find yourself in a different dimension, where everything is familiar and genuine." Andrea


"Their passion for wine but also for the care of the surrounding environment, by using the techniques of biological production." Elaine